Bisola Hair, Hair Testimonies, Natural Looking Hair Line, Real Human Hair, London, Abuja, New York, Lagos, France, Italy, Liberia, Canada

25th August
"It was December 2016 that I first noticed my hair falling out. Over the next six weeks most of my hair had fell out. I was shocked, scared and stress. I didn't know what to do. I thought It was the products I was using and the styles I did with my own hair. However, when I went to see the doctor he told me that I was suffering from hair loss, mostly known as alopecia.
I was speechless. I kept thinking how can I be loosing my hair at this young age. Thank to my mum who supported me and adviced that I should check online for natural looking wigs. When I did, Bisola Hair came up straight!
Its now been few months down the line and I am so happy I took my mum's advice!!
Bisola Hair are so patience and excellent at their job. I order a Mongolian Illusion Natural Hairline Wig and a Customize lace frontal wig in Brazilian. I am so grateful for Bisola Hair!!
Thank you for your immense help.
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