Bisola Hair Wig Hair Testimonies, Bisola Hair, High Grace Quality, Beautiful Hair, Middle Parted, Side Parted, Ombre Hair, Silk top Virgin Human Hair, London, New York, Germany, Uganda, South Africa, Greece,

Adesuwa- New York 2015 Hello, I've ordered quite a few wigs from Bisola Hair and have been very happy with them. Thought I would tell you, I was on a plane a few weeks ago and the minute I walked on the plane, the flight attendant grabbed me and said "I love your hair, who is your stylist?" Of course, I couldn't lie to her and told her it was a wig. I was in first class so she came over, sat down and I gave her all of your website information, told her your shipping was extra fast. Loved giving credit where credit is due and most of all, so glad she thought it was MY hair. She said she would be ordering from Bisola Hair. Thanks, you are the best. I have a three pack of Ombre Peruvian Virgin hair in sizes 16,18,20; they are the most amazing soft hair ever. Have been complimented many times on the color and style but this one was just a great story and too good not to share. Keep up the good work. Just ord...