Bisola Hair luxury Good Quality Human Virgin Hair Comfortable Best Quality Mongolian, Peruvian, Malaysian, Cambodian, Russian European Silk Top Glueless Full Wigs, 3 Part Lace Frontal Wig, Alopecia Wigs


Glueless Cap Full Lace Wigs

Glueless lace wigs are now in stock and ready too ship!
 • Full lace cap designed to be worn without glue. So no Glue or tape needed 
• With adjustable straps on the back and combs on the side and the front to secure the wig in place.
• Made with undetectable lace for a flawless hairline
• 100% hand tied so hair can be parted anywhere
• Wear and take off quickly and conveniently.
• 100% Human Hair
No Glue lace wigs are perfect for those who are allergic to glue and tapes - Who are tired from the mess from application and removal - Who are suffering from hair loss or balding due to Cancer - Chemotheraphy, Alopecia areata, Trichotillomania, Lupus, Psoriasis or other medical conditions - Who have damaged hair due to over processing and chemical treatments - Who want to rest their natural hair to encourage growth - Who just want a hairstyle change.

Visit to view an example of there glueless cap construction
In Stock Glueless Full Lace 
Human Hair Wig 
12" #1B Straight

They can make a glueless cap construction for a full lace wig in any style, length, colour and texture of your choice. If your require a specific style simply fill in an order form stating the full details and they will make it for you at no extra cost. All Bisola Hair Glueless lace wigs come with delicate baby hairs aroung the entire perimeter for a natural realistic hair line.
Whatsapp: +447943025864 London Office
New York Office: +13473542005
Instagram: @bisolahair


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