Bisola Hair, CEO, Ladies Empowerment, Google Search, Alopecia, Hair Loss, Human Wig, Real Human Hair, Affordable Prices, Ester Discount, Brazilian, Mongolian, Peruvian, Cambodian, Russian, European, London, New York, Canada, France, Germany, Monaco, Dubai, Kuwait, Liberia, Worldwide

Bisola Hair is a Personal Hair Loss Consultant as well as an Innovative Wig Designer and Manufacturer. Information is power – and Bisola’s goal is to help you find a comfortable, well-fitted wig that looks as natural as possible. As a woman has seen many women facing hair problems or hair loss, she understands the lack of confidence for such women and to have lived with the fear and confusion that accompanies it. For the past 9 years +, she has been helping others to make the transition from 'no hair' to 'no fear'. "It's important to understand that you are not alone. There are more than 40 million women in the U.K, U.S.A, Africa etc who are dealing with some form of hair loss." If you ever find yourself having a hard day, "Remember girls, we are more than just hair! We are about our essence. Nothing and no one can duplicate or take that away from us" - Bisola. Whatsapp: London Office: +447943025864 New York ...